
Connect with BHEAM

For general inquiries, reach us Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

To refer someone to BHEAM:

If you are inside the Johns Hopkins Medicine community, send an Epic message with the patient’s chart attached, a brief history, and reason for referral.

If you are outside the Johns Hopkins Medicine community, send a secure email to the BHEAM team with patient contact information, a brief history, and reason for referral:

To partner with us:

Our capacity to improve health equity is extended through alliances with mental health providers who facilitate free and easily accessible services in Spanish and through partnerships with referral organizations to increase access to care.

If your organization would like to learn more about partnering with us or becoming part of our referral network, or you have services you believe would benefit the community we serve, reach out to Adrianna Moore:

¿Cuál es el proceso para referir al programa a un amigo, familiar o persona de la comunidad? Deberá escribir al correo electrónico para ver si es potencialmente elegible y responderemos a las solicitudes dentro de los cinco días hábiles:


Si usted o alguien que conoce tiene pensamientos suicidas, puede llamar o enviar un mensaje de texto al 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline o chatee en Y, llame al 911 si siente que su vida está en peligro.